Biaxial compression -- MD simulation

Using soft sphere, time-driven molecular dynamics (MD) with 1950 particles, the response of the material to biaxial compression is examined. The vertical right wall feels constant pressure, while the horizontal top wall is moved down with given strain (slowly accelerating with time). The other walls (left,bottom) remain fixed.
The particle contacts are modelled as linear springs with linear damping. The tangential forces are linear springs which slip when the Coulomb force is exceeded. Additional (artificial) weak damping is added to the tangential springs, to the background and to the wall movement.
The following films/pictures are color coded such that small, medium and large values are blue, green and red, respectively.


kinetic energy mpg1 movie [0.90 MB]

displacement field mpg1 movie [0.70 MB] in the fixed system

kinetic energy mpg1 movie [1.01 MB] in the center of mass system

Potential Energy: Force Chains

potential energy or stress mpg1 movie [0.97 MB] (from normal components only)

force network mpg1 movie [0.90 MB] (from normal components only)


rotational energy energy mpg1 movie [1.10 MB] (momentary)

force network mpg1 movie [1.00 MB] (integrated over time)

lui 05.04.2002