The first situation we address is a homogeneous pile, as assumed in Refs. [11, 9]. Here we use particles in row M=1 and create a pile. The particles in the lowermost row M=0 are fixed with separation . The particles have no horizontal contacts, so that the contact network is a diamond structure. As predicted in Refs. [11, 9] the normal force at the bottom is a constant, independent from the horizontal coordinate. In Fig. 2(a) we plot the components of the dimensionless stress tensor S(1) versus X=x/l for the lowermost row of mobile particles, M=1. The vertical component is constant, and due to the scaling used V = 1. We compare this result with two piles with either or and plot again S(1) vs. X for both system sizes in Fig. 2(b). For the pile the diagonal elements of S are constant, whereas for the piles we observe a plateau in the center with decreasing stresses towards the left and right ends of the pile. Our simulation results are in agreement with analogous simulations in Ref. [11], i.e. we observe no sharp edges in the stresses, where the slopes change, as predicted by the theory in Ref. [11].
Figure 2:
Components of the dimensionless stress tensor S(1) at row M=1
vs. dimensionless horizontal coordinate X=x/l, for a pile
with immobile particles at the bottom, M=0. The slope of the pile
is with in (a), and with , or in (b).
We indicate the vertical stress with , the horizontal stress
with , and the shear stress with .
From Fig. 2 we conclude that our soft particle model is able to reproduce the known analytical results of Refs. [11, 9]. V=1 corresponds to the constant normal stress and thus to the normal force exerted on each particle in row M=1. Here , with the mass of the pile , and the mass of one particle . Our result coincides with Ref. [11] [see eq.42 therein].