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Variation of System Width for Bumpy Bottom


In this subsection we will examine the difference between the theoretical predictions for the stresses and the numerical simulations, both in Ref. [11] for the tex2html_wrap_inline973 pile. The theory is based on the assumption that the contact network is a diamond lattice. Thus we perform different simulations with a tex2html_wrap_inline973 pile with tex2html_wrap_inline993 and change the contact network by increasing or decreasing the separation of the fixed particles in row M=0. The centers of the particles in the lowermost row are separated by a distance tex2html_wrap_inline997 , with the c values c = 1/15, 0, -1/750, and -1/150. In Fig. 3(a) and (c) we plot the vertical and horizontal components of the stress tensor, and in Fig. 3(b) and (d) we plot the contact network and the principal axis of the stress tensor respectively.

Figure 3: (a) Vertical stress V(1), in row M=1, vs. X for a tex2html_wrap_inline973 pile with bumpy bottom and tex2html_wrap_inline993 . The immobile particles in row M=0 are separated by a distance tex2html_wrap_inline997 , i.e. are sqeezed together for negative c or separated for positive c. (b) The contact networks for the corresponding systems. (c) Horizontal stress H(1), vs. X. (d) The principal axis of the stress tensor for the corresponding systems.

The interesting result is that the vertical stress in Fig. 3(a) has a dip for negative c values, the depth of which increases with increasing magnitude of c [11]. The horizontal stress in Fig. 3(c) is much larger for negative c as for positive c.

From Fig. 3(b) we observe that the assumption of a perfect diamond lattice for the contacts is true only for c = 1/15. The vertical stress V(1) has a zig-zag structure that we relate to the steps at the surface of a tex2html_wrap_inline973 pile. For the naively used c = 0 and also for small negative c = -1/750 we have a contact network with regions of coordination number 4 and 6, corresponding to the triangular or the diamond contact network. For sqeezed bottom particles, i.e. c = -1/150, the contact network is again a diamond lattice, but the orientation is tilted outwards from the center. From Fig. 3(d) we evidence arching for negative c and no arching for positive c. Seemingly, a tilted diamond lattice is neccessary for an arch to form in this situation.

In Fig. 4(a) we present for the simulations from Fig. 3 the angle tex2html_wrap_inline1007 , see Eq. 4 about which the major principal axis is rotated from the horizontal in counterclockwise direction. For c < 0 we observe a constant angle in the outer part [consistent with the fixed principal axis (FPA) theory in Ref. [16]], and a transition region in the center. We observe FPA only for negative c when we also find arching.

In contrast, for tex2html_wrap_inline1539 we observe a slow continuous variation of tex2html_wrap_inline1007 over the whole pile. In Fig. 4(b) we plot the ratio of the principal axis tex2html_wrap_inline1013 and observe an almost constant value in the outer region of the pile, whereas in the inner part the ratio is strongly c dependent.

Figure: (a) The angle of the major principal axis of the stress, tex2html_wrap_inline1007 , in row M=1 vs. X, from the simulations in Fig. 3. (b) The ratio tex2html_wrap_inline1013 of minor to major principal axis vs. i X from the simulations in (a).

From a detailed comparison of the contact network and the stress tensor we may correlate several facts: Firstly, the ratio of the principal axis, s, seems to determine whether the contact network is a triangular or a diamond structure, the latter with one open contact. For c=0 and for c=-1/750 we observe the triangular contact network if s is large. Secondly, the direction of the diamonds is correlated to tex2html_wrap_inline1391 , i.e. we observe the tilted diamond lattice (for negative c) if the major axis is tilted far enough from the horizontal.

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Wed Jan 8 19:15:00 MET 1997