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Variation of System Width for Smooth, Flat Bottom

Now we vary the width of the system with flat, smooth bottom. Here we do not vary the box width, we just increase (or decrease) the diameters tex2html_wrap_inline1747 of the left- and rightmost particles in row M=0. All other particles have the fixed diameter tex2html_wrap_inline1243 so that we change the effective width of the system. In Fig. 7 we plot the vertical stresses V(0), V(2), V(4) for tex2html_wrap_inline973 piles with tex2html_wrap_inline1069 . We find that the dip vanishes already for slightly increasing c and relate the existence of the dip to the presence of open horizontal bonds in the center of the pile at X = 0.5. For decreasing c we still observe a dip structure in the pile but when c gets too small, the stress in the array of particles may get asymmetric, since the pefect triangular arangement is disturbed (see c=-2/15).

Figure 7: Vertical stresses V(0), V(2), V(4), in rows M=0, 2, and 4 respectively (from top to bottom) vs. X for a tex2html_wrap_inline973 pile with smooth, flat bottom and L=22. The two outermost particles are fixed by vertical walls and have diameter tex2html_wrap_inline1093 . The inserts gives the relative change c. (a) Large boundary particles c > 1, and (b) small boundary particles c < 1.

Wed Jan 8 19:15:00 MET 1997