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Polydisperse Particles

Starting from a monodisperse tex2html_wrap_inline973 pile with bumpy bottom and tex2html_wrap_inline1793 = 97, see Fig. 2(b), we change the particle size of each particle slowly to the diameter tex2html_wrap_inline1795 , where tex2html_wrap_inline1797 is a random number homogeneously distributed in the interval [-r/2,r/2]. We present the vertical stress in Fig. 8, for simulations with r = 2/3000 (a), 2/300 (b), and 1/30 (c). We plot the result of one run (solid line) and compare it with the monodisperse case (dashed line) and the average over 40 runs (a) or 100 runs (b) and (c) (symbols). The fluctuations in stress increase with increasing r. In fact we observe fluctuations much larger than the total stress for the monodisperse pile. With increasing r the shape of the averaged vertical stress changes in the center from a hump [see r=2/3000], to a dip [see r = 1/30]. The averaged stress in Fig. 8(c) is similar to the stress obtained (after many averages) from a cellular automaton model for the stress propagation in the presence of randomly opened contacts [17].

Figure 8: Vertical stress V(1), in row M=1, vs. X for a tex2html_wrap_inline973 pile with bumpy bottom and tex2html_wrap_inline977 . The particle diameter is homogeneously distributed in the interval tex2html_wrap_inline1111 . The values of r are r=2/3000 (a), r=2/300 (b), and r=1/30 (c). The dashed line gives the result of Fig.2(b) with r=0 and tex2html_wrap_inline977 . The solid line gives the result of one run and the symbols correspond to an average over 40 runs for (a), or 100 runs and three particles for (b) and (c).

In Fig. 9(a) we give the contact network of one run as presented in Fig. 8(c). The line thickness indicates the magnitude of forces active at a contact. In Figs. 8(b) we present a part of this contact network, and in Figs. 8(c) we plot the principal axis of the stress tensor for the same part. In Figs. 9(a) and (b) each line represents the normal direction of one contact and each particle center is thus situated at the meeting point of several lines. Note that in Fig 9(a) some particles inseide the pile have no contacts to their above neighbors, i.e. they lie below an arch. Comparing the contact network (b) with the stresses in (c) one may again relate the structure of the contcat network to the angle tex2html_wrap_inline1391 and the ratio of the principal axis, as discussed above in Sec. ivA2. Finally, we calculate the probability distribution P for vertical stresses V. We average only over the lowermost row M=1 and also neglect the outermost particles of this row. In detail we average all particles tex2html_wrap_inline1843 [counting from the lower left end to the right] over 100 runs. Since the stress in row M=1 is a function of X in the case of r=0, we scale the stresses for r>0 by the stresses found for r=0, i.e. we use the scaled stress


with the minimum of all T, obtained from particles which are shielded and thus feel only their own weight, see Fig.\ 9. Note that this occurs frequently, even inside the pile. We checked that the probability distribution of T does not depend on the specific choice of the interval, i.e. we also averaged over a smaller interval tex2html_wrap_inline1859 , or over particles in row M=2 with tex2html_wrap_inline1863 , and we found no difference besides fluctuations.

Figure: (a) Contact network of one pile from Fig. 8(c). The line thickness indicates the magnitude of the contact force. (b) Part of the contact network from (a). (c) Principal axis of stress from the same simulation as in (b).

We plot the distribution function P(T) in Fig. 10. The dashed line in Fig. 10(a) shows a power law for small stresses T, while the dotted line in Fig. 10(b) shows an exponential decay for large T.

Figure: (a) Double logarithmic plot of the probability distribution of small vertical stresses T in row M=1. We skip 10 particles at the right and the left and average over 100 runs. see Eq. 12. (b) Log-linear plot of the probability distribution for large stresses from the same data as in (a).

Thus our results are in agreement with the theoretical predictions of Ref.\ [5], and the numerical findings of Ref. [6], at least for large T, see Fig. 10(b). Note that the probabilty to find large T is greater for r=1/30 than for r=2/300, corresponding to stronger fluctuations. For small T we find a power law with exponent -1/2 for both values of r, see Fig. 10(a).

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Wed Jan 8 19:15:00 MET 1997